Synopsis: Frustrated with learning how to play guitar, a boy's world starts to get overrun by guitars until he finds his own way to approach the instrument.
Reviewer: Love Kassim
First impression: The concept of the boy's transformation from struggling at guitar to perceiving everything as guitars adds a unique and intriguing twist.
What I liked: The imaginative portrayal of the boy's growing musical proficiency intertwining with his perception of the world is a creative and engaging storyline.
What I didn't like: It would be interesting to explore the origin or reason behind the boy's sudden shift in perception and musical ability for a more comprehensive narrative.
Reminds me of: This narrative echoes elements of magical realism, similar to works where characters experience surreal shifts in perception or reality.
Conclusion: The story captivates with its imaginative blend of music and perception, leaving room for further exploration of the fantastical elements introduced.
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